A World of Good Wishes.
At Marker InfoComm, Inc, we wish to thank all of our valued business partners, past, present and future all the best in this holiday...
Giving Thanks.
Americans will be celebrating their Thanksgiving holiday this week, a festivity that dates back to the first “Thanksgiving” feast held in...
Vote for Loyalty!
Hello America! As you head out to the polls to cast your all-important election votes, please remember to be kind. The President of the...
Well Played!
Another World Series is in the books. And what a game it was! Baseball fans were treated to a rare Game 7, 10th inning, right down to the...
Happy Halloween!
In parts all over the world today, we are celebrating Halloween. For many cultures, this has become a childrens’ holiday, where they will...
Welcome to our NEW Site!
Marker InfoComm Inc has established itself as an industry leader in the design and development of loyalty program software and solutions...